Study Pregnancy - Moving From the First Into the Second Trimester a lot more

A normal pregnancy lasts around 37 to 42 weeks, or an average of 40 weeks from the first day of a woman's last period.

Pregnancy is divided into thirds, called trimesters. It's an easy way to describe and earmark the changes that happen to both mum and baby during pregnancy.

The first trimester is week one to week 12, the second is week 13 to week 27, and the third is week 28 to week 40.

Many couples choose not to tell many people their news until the woman enters the second trimester of pregnancy. There can be several reasons for this. One is that the first trimester is the time when the majority of miscarriages occur so women feel more secure in their condition once they are through the first trimester of pregnancy.

Some women may of course sail through the first trimester without even having any signs of pregnancy so for them the pregnancy starts at the beginning of the second trimester.

Some couples choose not to share their news to give them time to settle into the idea and share this wonderful secret between them, or to shorten the length of time that friends and family are "waiting" for the happy event. Forty weeks can go very slowly for some people.

It's usual for pregnant women to feel quite different in their second trimester.

At week 14 it is possible you could still be experiencing nausea. But in the majority of cases morning sickness and fatigue should now have passed and mums-to-be should experience a more energetic phase with possibly an increased libido!

There are other physical changes as a woman moves from the first trimester to the second trimester of pregnancy; your breasts should be less sensitive and as the uterus grows your belly will be pushed out and the pregnancy more visible.

At this stage mums-to-be will start planning ahead for the birth, but you mustn't neglect your own needs and must continue to look after yourself.

Continue with your healthy diet and exercise and try to avoid the baggy old sweat pants look because if you feel good about your appearance you will take more care of your body.

You may be experiencing some strange food cravings - although these can occur at any time they are more likely to start during the second trimester of pregnancy. Whatever foods make it onto your wish list now, just remember that you don't need to eat for two.

Keep to a healthy diet and you won't have to struggle with losing unwanted baby weight after the birth.

Pregnancy Trimesters
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Pregnancy - Moving From the First Into the Second Trimester

Read through Pregnancy and Scoliosis much more

Scoliosis is a deformity of the spine that causes a sideways S- or C-shaped curvature to develop over time. Scoliosis is not a reason to avoid pregnancy. It does not cause any major risks to the fetus or physical limitations to the child. The effects of pregnancy on patients with scoliosis are examined in terms of increased risk of progression of the curvature of spine. Some studies show that patients lost 2, 6, and 18 degrees of correction during their first pregnancies. But the curves stayed the same or were enhanced with later pregnancies.

There is no evidence that scoliosis damages fertility. It does not lead to an increased number of spontaneous abortions, stillbirths or congenital malformations. Before 1950, it was believed that pregnancy would make scoliosis worse. Over the past 40 years, several studies have been done in hundreds of women with the disease. It shows that pregnancy, labor, delivery and fetal complications are no different in women with scoliosis and without the disease. In addition, surveys of relapse rates and MRI scans verify that pregnancy considerably reduces the possibilities of a relapse.

Generally, scoliosis does not increase during pregnancy. As the pregnancy hormones dampen the activity of the immune system, the symptoms of this disease are often stabilized during pregnancy. It does not provide any adverse effects on the period of pregnancy and the ability to deliver children. The pregnancy progress is uncomplicated and the baby grows normally. Compared with normal patients, pregnant patients with scoliosis may experience greater back pain. They require detailed monitoring of the disease and fetal security. Increased use of assistive devices to walk and the use of wheel chair are advisable. Certain drugs used in the treatment of scoliosis cause birth defects, and are to be avoided.

Bladder and bowel problems may be a problem for women with scoliosis who already have urinary or bowel dysfunction. Weakness due to scoliosis may prevent sufficient pushing at the time of the birth. It results the use of forceps or suction assistance. Supportive treatment and rehabilitation for scoliosis are especially important throughout pregnancy for reducing weakness and back or neck pain. The best ways to keep healthy are proper nutrition, rest, exercise and prenatal care. The guidelines provided by an obstetrical care provider and neurologist should be followed.


Scoliosis [] provides detailed information on scoliosis, adult scoliosis, congenital scoliosis, infantile scoliosis and more. Scoliosis is affiliated with Back Pain Relief [].

Pregnancy and Scoliosis


Go through The Systems of an Early Pregnancy more

There are quite a few Symptoms that could help you with the early stages of pregnancy. The more Symptoms that you have the greater the chance you have of being pregnant. Please note that if you have any concerns about your health you should speak to a qualified person.

The majority of pregnant women have early Symptoms but a few have no Symptoms of an early pregnancy except they their menstrual period. There have been times when a women have been so busy or stressed that they have been unaware that their period was due or even forgot that they missed it.

Missing a menstrual period might indicate you could be pregnant.

Your period was late or had mild spotting rather than your normal period.

Experiencing morning sickness first thing in a morning may also indicate pregnancy.

Your food may taste differently or feel a dislike or even the urge to eat certain foods. This is also an early sign.

Breasts may also become tender and may even start to enlarge.

You may also become tired and find your energy level dropping.

You or partner may also note a change in your moods and even a swing in them. This may indicate a change in your hormone levels.

You may also not an increase in the trips to the toilet. You may or may not have any pain when urinating. If any pain is associated with this please ask a doctor for advice as there are other causes for this that have nothing to do with pregnancy.

You also may have an increase of headaches that are a result of hormone changes and also may also indicate an early pregnancy.

Pregnancy - The Diagnosis

If you have one or more of the above systems and are sexually active then you will need to purchase a home pregnancy kit. You will need to read and follow the instructions included with the kit. It may tell you to test your urine first thing in the morning as this is when your is at its most concentrated to see if you are pregnant or not. These tests are very sensitive and very accurate. A positive test will mean you are pregnant and a negative may not be conclusive, if you did it incorrectly or did not do it in the early morning.

What Now

If the test show a positive result you should seek medical advice, your doctor may advise another test to confirm your results. You will also need to discuss your pregnancy plans. You will also need to discuss any medications that you are currently taking

It is also recommended that you eat a balanced diet and not to miss meals. You may want to reduce or stop smoking and also reduce or stop drinking alcohol.

You should also seek medical advice if your period did not come within the next month, there may be a medical condition.

The Statistics

65% of all pregnancies are unplanned.
25% of all pregnancies ends in a miscarriage.
25% of women choose to terminate their pregnancy.

Discovering your pregnant can be a very welcome experience in your life or it can be a very serious stress and at time pose a very real health risk to both mother and baby.


Paul Hardy

The Systems of an Early Pregnancy


Examine Pregnancy - Conceiving Tips - Five Foods That Can Kill Your Fertility more

Eating the right foods is essential to fertility, but these won't do any good if you keep on eating foods that damage your chances of pregnancy. Conceiving is a delicate process that involves environmental cues, hormonal balance, and physiology. It's so easy for the wrong foods to disrupt these events and prevent the union of an egg and a sperm. By avoiding these five foods, you can boost the fertility of yourself and your partner and increase your own chances of a healthy pregnancy too.


Sugar and refined carbohydrates are a big no-no for fertility, especially if you are suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). According to the Nurses' Health Study, the largest study on nutrition and female fertility, women who eat more refined sugar are more likely to suffer from fertility problems. Our body's glucose levels rise whenever we eat refined carbohydrates or sugar. As the glucose levels rise, the body produces the hormone insulin so the cells can use the glucose for energy. Foods with a low glycemic index allow the body to go through the glucose slowly, but refined sugar (foods with high glycemic index) causes the blood glucose levels to rise too quickly. This makes your insulin levels stretch out too thinly and adds stress to your body. If you keep a regular diet of refined sugar, your body will eventually become insulin resistant. This means that your cells will no longer respond to the insulin produced by your body, skewing the hormonal production required for timely ovulation and interfering with your chances of conceiving. Research shows that up to 70% of women with PCOS are insulin-resistant.


Chips and fries may be crispy and satisfying snacks, but they're also rich in an industrially created fat called trans-fat (trans-fatty acids or partially hydrogenated oils). Trans-fats are found in packaged goods, fried fast food, microwaved popcorn, or vegetable shortening in order to extend their shelf-life. Any commercial good that has "partially-hydrogenated vegetable oil" or "shortening" in the ingredients label probably has trans-fats. The Nurses' Health Study found out that women who ate more trans-fats were suffered from more ovulatory problems than women who did not. In fact, just a 2% increase in trans-fat consumption makes a woman 73% more likely to suffer from ovulation-related infertility. Trans-fats affect fertility by making the body more insulin-resistant and causing inflammation. In men, high trans-fat levels make the membrane of the sperm cell less flexible, decreasing its ability to successfully penetrate an egg cell.


Reports show that too much soy protein can decrease male and female fertility. A study published in Human Reproduction looked at the sperm samples and soy intake of 99 men with unexplained infertility. Researchers discovered that over half of the men had poor sperm motility and low sperm count. The researchers also observed that the men with higher sperm count and better sperm quality had lower soy intake.
Another study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that high soy consumption can decrease the levels of the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and increase menstrual cycle length.


Like most hardworking people, you probably like starting your day with a strong cup of coffee. But you might want to cut back on this and other caffeine-laden drinks. According to the Nurses' Health Study, women who consume over 400mg of caffeine a day (one eight-ounce cup of coffee has 100-300 mg caffeine) are more likely to be infertile. Caffeine causes the fallopian tubes to tense up and slow down the movement of a fertilized egg towards the uterus. Once the egg finally reaches the uterus, the endometrium may not be healthy enough to receive it.
You can keep your morning cup of coffee and your fertility too; as long as you consume less than 300mg of caffeine a day, you should be fine. Do take note that soda is also laden with caffeine; the Nurses' Health Study notes that women are 50% more likely to experience ovulation problems if they drink two or more cans of soda a day.

Aspartame and artificial sweeteners

Here's another reason to avoid soda, especially diet soda: they contain an artificial sweetener called aspartame that affects fertility. According to Pediatrician and Professor Dr Louis Elsas, consuming aspartame before conceiving increases the likelihood of neurological problems in the child. When aspartame enters the intestines, it gets broken down into a chemical called phenylalanine and becomes concentrated in the placenta, causing developmental problems in the growing baby. Dr. Maledon Price of the University of Washington also notes that aspartame destroys the neurons that regulate the release of hormones, causing low levels of the FSH, LH, and gonadotropins. Aspartame is also known to impact sperm production and egg quality.

Diana Farrell is an author who holds a Masters Degree in Psychology as well as advanced training in a number of alternative therapies. Through her own journey overcoming infertility she discovered a wealth of information that can greatly improve a couple's chances of fulfilling their dreams of parenthood. If you would like more valuable pregnancy - conceiving tips and secrets, visit

Pregnancy - Conceiving Tips - Five Foods That Can Kill Your Fertility


Examine Pregnancy Nutrition: Basics for the First Trimester much more

Pregnancy nutrition can seem overwhelming during the first trimester, when you are dealing not only with the emotional impact of having a baby, but a host of hormonal changes as well. Most expectant mothers want to change the food for pregnancy they eat overnight, but making drastic changes can actually backfire and cause more stress than incorporating lifestyle changes slowly.

In this article, we cover the four basic facets of first trimester nutrition so that you can begin to make adjustments in your diet as you can, without stressing out over major lifestyle transformations.

Making the Switch to a Healthy Diet

In a perfect world, you would switch to an all-organic, whole food diet even before you get pregnant, or at least in the weeks after you discover your pregnancy. But this is reality, and making this transformation can be difficult.

You should aim for eliminating all processed and non-organic foods from your diet because they can lead to a plethora of health issues for you and your baby. On the other hand, this is not an all-or-nothing kind of deal. Begin by choosing organic and all-natural meat and dairy products, as they contain the highest levels of hormones and pesticides that you should eliminate from your eating plan.

Then try removing processed foods from at least one meal per day. Taking these small steps can have a profound impact not only on your health and wellbeing, but on your baby's development as well.

Cutting Back on Sugar and Caffeine

If you are like most pregnant moms, you want to eliminate caffeine and sugar, and artificial sweeteners from your diet. But doing so can be difficult because our bodies become chemically dependent on these substances over time. For caffeine, experts agree that you can safely ingest 150mg per day during pregnancy, so aim at first to cutting back to that amount. Once you've made it there, then you can try cutting it out of your life completely-but continue to do so slowly.

For sugar and artificial sweeteners, you're in luck-there are a range of all-natural sweeteners available to satisfy your sweet tooth. Agave syrup, raw honey, xylitol, and stevia can sweeten your meals and beverages without the caloric punch of sugar or without the troubling chemicals that artificial sweeteners contain.

Dealing with Morning Sickness

The first trimester of pregnancy is notorious for being the trimester most associated with morning sickness. As your body adjusts to the hormonal changes of pregnancy, you may find yourself overwhelmed by nausea at any point during the day, though mornings are the most common time period.

If your nausea is incapacitating, you should talk to your OB/GYN about treatments. There are natural treatments available if you want to manage it on your own. Ginger is particularly good for calming nausea, but don't indulge in ginger ale, which is high in either sugar or artificial sweeteners. Instead, slice some ginger root and boil it to make a tea, then sweeten with stevia and sip slowly throughout the day.

Eating protein can also help with nausea, though you may not feel up to eating meat while you are sick. Try a handful of raw nuts or a spoonful of nut butter and see if that helps to ease your morning sickness.

Handling Stress with Grace

The next nine months are the most wonderful but also the most stressful months of most women's lives. As your body changes and your hormones continue to adjust, you may feel overwhelmed with stress. Try to find a way of dealing with this pressure that suits your personality. For some, yoga is the answer, while others prefer journaling. One mother might prefer dinner out with friends while another might treat herself to a prenatal massage. No matter what the method, find a healthy way to cope with stress, and begin using it during this first trimester for the best results.

Are you looking for the best advice for pregnancy nutrition? Need advice on the best food for pregnancy? Visit for exercise recommendations and eating tips for a healthy pregnancy.

Pregnancy Nutrition: Basics for the First Trimester

Pregnancy Trimesters

Go through Big or Small Tummy During Pregnancy - Does It Matter to The Weight of Your Child? far more


I have a friend who is pregnant and worried that her belly is too small, which may affect her coming baby. She is pregnant for 7 months already yet her pregnant belly is not easily recognized by a new person.

In my opinion, what she is worrying is really baseless. The development of the fetus has nothing to do with the size of the tummy at all. Recalling the experience I had when being pregnant, I had very big belly. My 3-month belly is that of someone about 5-7 months. I even had to refrain from eating when nearing due date for fear of not being able have normal delivery. The doctor attending me during pregnancy also told me to limit my intake of food for fear that the big baby will affect normal delivery. For the whole pregnancy period I gained 12 kg (or 26.4 pounds), which is normal, it was just the belly that was too huge as considered by many.

Finally, on the day I delivered the baby, to many people's surprise, I had wonderful baby weighed 2.7 kg (about 5.94lbs), which is near the minimum weight allowed. I could see the disappointment in my family members who always said my belly was too big, hence big baby, during pregnancy.

The good news is that my baby came out very healthy and active. Now I never regret doing anything for him during my pregnancy and I had never wished my son to be any bigger than what he came out.

The lesson from me is that, first, your belly is not the determinant of having a healthy baby later on. Some could have small tummy and have big baby and vice versa. Second, if you do have bigger belly than others, the only sensible concern is that the stomach flattening after delivery should take more care and time. So please watch out your weight and tummy during pregnancy, not just for the sake of your precious child but for YOU too.

'Pregnancy without pound' is an excellent guide for mother from conception to after delivering the baby on all matters related to pregnancy, nutrition, exercises during pregnancy for healthy baby and mum, and how to keep fit, be slim after pregnancy. Please visit [] for more information.

Big or Small Tummy During Pregnancy - Does It Matter to The Weight of Your Child?


Examine Highlights of First Trimester Pregnancy and Second Trimester Pregnancy more

Highlights of First Trimester Pregnancy and Second Trimester Pregnancy

Pregnancy Trimesters

Week 4: Your fertilized egg is implanted in the wall of your uterus and the placenta and umbilical cord begin to form.

Week 6: The tiny embryo's heart begins to pump blood and the neural tube that will become the spine closes. She takes on a C-shape and tiny little arm and leg buds begin to form.

Week 8: Brainwave activity starts. Webbed fingers and toes begin to form.

Week 9: Her heart is almost completely developed. Eyelids are forming along with hair follicles and nipples.

Week 10: The embryo is now officially a fetus. She will be doing occasional breathing movements, drawing oxygen through the umbilical cord.

Week 11: Nearly all her organs and body structures are formed and beginning to function. Genitals take on male or female form. Your fetus can now sigh, stretch, move her head and suck her thumb.

Week 12: at the end of your first trimester pregnancy stage your baby's nose and lips are completely formed and she is starting to produce and excrete urine.

Week 13: This is the start of your second trimester pregnancy stage and your baby is starting to look more human.

Week 14: Baby's nose, lips and taste buds are formed.

Week 16: Her eyes are starting to move slowly and she can frown.

Week 18: Teeth have started to form and baby can hear sounds in your body and may even get startled at loud noises.

Week 20: Sweat glands are forming and baby becomes coated in a white, creamy substance called vernix caseosa that protects her skin in the aqueous environment.

Week 22: Baby's brain is entering a period of rapid growth.

Week 23: If it's a boy, his testicles will begin to descend into the groin from the abdomen. If it's a girl her uterus and ovaries will have developed.

Week 24: Baby will have established a waking and sleeping pattern. Real hair will start to grow on her scalp. If she was born now she'd have a 50% chance of survival.

Week 26: Her eyes are starting to open and her lungs are beginning to develop surfactant which allows them to inflate.

Week 28: You are now at the end of your second trimester pregnancy stage and your baby can taste and smell, her eyes can produce tears and her bones are all fully developed (although still quite soft). Weight gain will be rapid from this week on and her brain will increase up to 500% in weight between now and delivery.

Debra Aspinall is an experienced journalist and the editor and leading writer for the Emma's Diary website, one of the UKs foremost pregnancy and baby websites. She writes on due date calculator, first trimester pregnancy, raspberry leaf tea and etc. If you are searching for free baby stuff, please visit us at

Understand Pregnancy - 40+ Year Olds CAN Do It - Learn How far more

Conceiving at this age does increase the risk of complications. Do not let this put you off; at the word pregnancy, 40 year olds often run a mile, BUT there are proven methods and natural treatments which can greatly reduce the risks of complications and hugely facilitate a healthy pregnancy.

Before we get onto these, it is important to understand the main increased risks.

Pregnancy - 40 Year Olds have Increased Risks

Chromosome problems (e.g. Down Syndrome) - 1 in 42
Miscarriage - 1 in 4
High blood pressure (in mother)
Cardiovascular disease (in mother)

It is important to realise that the risk of these potential complications can be significantly reduced even by 100% natural methods.

Pregnancy - 40 Year Olds' Diet Plan

It is important to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables as there have been strong evidence to suggest that vitamins C and D, calcium and zinc do increase fertility.

Alcohol and caffeine are a big no-no. These should be cut out of diet if possible; they can reduce fertility by up to 50%!

Pregnancy - 40 Year Olds' Exercise Regime

Exercise is key to a healthy body in particular for adults of this age. Too much excess fat will lead to hormonal imbalance in the body in turn reducing fertility. A jog a few times a week will be sufficient.

There are plenty of other herbal treatments you could use. Recent evidence suggests that such supplements are safe and hugely beneficial. I would advise investing in a good guide to learn more about such treatment; they are often inexpensive and can make the difference between a healthy pregnancy and infertility.


Denise Fernandes is a Fertility Adviser who has had great success with 100% natural methods of fertility improvement.

Visit this inspirational account on how get pregnant and learn how even YOU can emulate this success.

Pregnancy - 40+ Year Olds CAN Do It - Learn How


Read through First Trimester Pregnancy Symptoms - How to Tell If You Are Pregnant a lot more

Sometimes it can be difficult to detect first trimester pregnancy symptoms. You may be feeling frustrated over an inability to detect whether or not you are pregnant. Here are some basic ways to determine if you are a mommy-to-be.

1. Sore breasts

You may feel pain and tenderness in the breast area if you are pregnant. This is a common symptom shared by women who are newly pregnant. Sore breasts occur largely because of hormonal changes in the body. They can also occur during PMS so it is a good idea to keep track of your cycle when you are trying to determine if you are pregnant.

2. Nausea

Many women experience nausea and even light vomiting during initial pregnancy. However, most people won't outright vomit from the beginning of pregnancy and instead will feel a continual feeling of queasiness for some time.

3. Odd hunger and cravings

You may find yourself wanting foods which you might not normally like such as raw vegetables or fruit, or meat if you are a vegetarian. This is due to your body's increased needs during pregnancy, and can start as early as the first trimester.

4. Bloating and cramps

Feeling bloated and crampy in the abdominal area is common. Again, it may be PMS but if you have been keeping track of your cycle and still find yourself experiencing these symptoms, pregnancy is possible. Doing a home test is a good way to verify your suspicions.

5. Very hungry

This ties in a bit to #3, as you may find that on top of cravings, you just can't get rid of your appetite. Well, this is because of hormones mainly, but it can also be due to vitamin deficiencies. Make sure you are eating a balanced diet to ward off extreme hunger and weight gain during pregnancy.

These are just some common symptoms experienced by women who are trying to get pregnant for the first time. Yours may be different, but chances are you will experience at least a few of these.

Pregnancy Trimesters

Trying to Conceive? Ectopic Pregnancy? Having Trouble?

Learn more: Getting Pregnant

First Trimester Pregnancy Symptoms - How to Tell If You Are Pregnant

Understand Pregnancy Spotting - What Causes Vaginal Spotting During Pregnancy? extra

Pregnancy spotting during the first trimester of pregnancy is the most normal sign of pregnancy. Though women tend to worry about the spotting found in vaginal areas, medical professionals advise them not to worry about the condition. Chances of vaginal spotting to appear vary from seven weeks of pregnancy to nine weeks. This vaginal spotting results from the implantation of the embryo in the lining of the uterus. This type of bleeding, which is also an early sign of pregnancy is termed as implantation bleeding. Mild spotting or bleeding from the vagina is not something to be worried about and you need not seek the help of doctors. However, when the bleeding seems to be heavy and accompanies cramping abdominal pain, please your doctor immediately.

What Does Vaginal Spotting Signal In Pregnancy?

Although to an extent, pregnancy spotting is completely normal and harmless in early pregnancy. However, bleeding beyond a level it may signal certain serious problems happening inside the pregnant woman's body. In such cases, the expectant mothers should consider a few pregnancy tests to ascertain that both their and their babies' health is fine and devoid of any possible pregnancy risk. Mainly on observing heavy vaginal bleeding, pregnant women are suggested a screening of their condition through examinations. If you experience heavy bleeding, rush to an emergency clinic or hospital if you cannot contact your gynecologist.

What Causes Vaginal Spotting?

There can be diverse reasons that lead to pregnancy spotting in the early months of pregnancy. This spotting is somewhat different from how normal menstruation appears. Spotting is usually experienced as a light form of vaginal bleeding before the start and end of your menstruation cycle. The main reason why this bleeding occurs is the increase in the supply of blood to the cervix and pelvis area. Spotting differs from the color of normal menstruation. The color of pregnancy spotting can be pink, dark red to brown or resembling the color of dried blood.

So what are the causes of pregnancy spotting in the early stage of pregnancy? Medical experts answers this question taking into account the following factors -

First, is bleeding due to implantation in the uterus. As the embryo is attached to the walls of uterus at about 6 to 7 days after fertilization, bleeding is secreted from the vagina. The fertilized egg by itself is attached to the uterus wall, so slight spotting results from this process of implantation.Ectopic pregnancy can also be a reason why some women experience pregnancy spotting. Implantation and thereafter, development of the baby outside the uterus can cause vaginal bleeding. Outside the uterus, the embryo mainly begins to develop in the fallopian tube, which is why this ectopic pregnancy is also termed as tubal pregnancy or molar pregnancy. Molar pregnancy marks a diminished chance for the fetus to survive and marks an early termination of pregnancy.

There are other causes of pregnancy spotting too, such as certain infections like vaginal or yeast infections or bacterial infections, sexually transmitted infections like gonorrhea, Chlamydia, herpes etc. Stay alert to vaginal spotting and take the right precautions when it occurs.

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Pregnancy Spotting - What Causes Vaginal Spotting During Pregnancy?

Go through Pregnancy - How to Adapt to the Arriving of a Newborn Baby extra

Pregnancy - How to Adapt to the Arriving of a Newborn Baby


The arriving of a newborn baby into your home is an event that will not only be memorable but will also change your life forever. After nine long months of waiting, you will soon see and touch your baby for the first time. Although you have gone through a lot of discomforts during your pregnancy, everything will be worth it once you hear your baby's first cry. However, before you can actually enjoy this new experience of being a mother, you need to learn how to adapt to the arriving of a newborn baby.

Attending Prenatal Classes

Prenatal classes are designed to help new and experienced parents prepare for the arriving of a newborn baby. There are different programs offered for these classes, so be sure to register in one which will best meet your needs. If you are having twins, you can register in a multiple childbirth program, or if it is your first time to get pregnant, you can go for the first birth and baby program. You can also choose more specific classes such as cesarean birth class, childbirth preparation class, breastfeeding seminar, or basic newborn care. After attending these classes, you will realize that becoming a parent is not as difficult as you think. With the knowledge you gained, you can now easily adapt to the arriving of a newborn baby.

Preparing Baby's Things

Aside from attending prenatal classes, you can also start preparing for your baby's arrival by listing all the things that a newborn needs. There is no exact or right month when you should do this. Even during the first trimester, you can already start looking at some things that you need to purchase beforehand like the tie-side shirts, mittens, booties, infant caps, baby blanket, cloth or baby diapers, and feeding bottles. When you go shopping for these products, it would be best if you let your husband go with you because this is the perfect time for you to show that you do appreciate him taking a part in preparing for your baby's arrival.

But aside from those things, you also need to prepare the baby's room or nursery. You can begin choosing a crib, comforter, and other decorative toys and accessories which can help stimulate your baby's brain. You can let your husband help you in this task while discussing how you can share the bigger responsibilities that you need to do as parents once the baby is out. When both of you take part in this preparation, you will see how easily you can adapt to the arriving of your newborn baby.

Preparing the Family

While preparing your baby's things, you can also look at some ways to prepare the family for this new addition to your home. If it is your first pregnancy, it will not be difficult since you and your husband are the only ones who need to adjust for the arriving of a newborn baby. However, if you already have children, you need to exert more time and effort preparing them for this enormous change. During pregnancy, allow the other children to touch and feel the baby move inside your stomach so they will appreciate it more. You can spend time reading them stories, at the same time telling them that the baby is also listening inside. This way you can assure them that even if the newborn baby is about to arrive, you will still give them the same attention, time, love, and care that they need.

Adapting to the arriving of a newborn baby is not as difficult as you think. Although there are some parents that struggle after giving birth, you can very much avoid this if you just know how to adapt to the arriving of a newborn baby. Do not let yourself feel different after your child is born, as if you have lost a part of yourself just because you are not prepared for motherhood. So, while waiting for your due date, find some time and exert extra effort to attend prenatal classes, prepare your baby's things, and prepare your family so that you will not have a hard time adjusting to this new and special addition to your family.

For more information on pregnancy and natural childbirth, please visit:

Understand The Best Sex Position During Pregnancy additional

The Best Sex Position During Pregnancy



Many couples who expect to have a baby soon are afraid to have sex due to the misconception that it could cause harm to the baby. This is not entirely true. If it is a normal pregnancy without any complications, then it is okay to have sex once in a while. However, doing the best sex positions during pregnancy should be thoroughly studied by both couple to know exactly their respective roles during the sexual intercourse.

The role of the partner depends on the kind of position they want to use. Let's take for example the spooning position. In this position, the man is the one who takes the initiative to make the thrusting motion while lying on his side behind the woman's back. The woman's role is merely communicate to the man if it's getting painful or pleasurable. On the other hand, in the woman on top position, the woman is the one taking charge. She positions herself on top of the man, while dictating the rhythm of the act with the upward and downward motion of her body. Just make sure to pause for a while when it gets uncomfortable.

There are other sex positions during pregnancy which every pregnant couple can try. The important thing to bear in mind while doing the deed is to be careful, gentle, and to communicate to your partner even a small sign of discomfort. For a couple who loves each other so dearly, having sex during pregnancy will not only strengthen their relationship but will also build trust for one another.

Many say you have the best sex of your life during your pregnancy. One of the top Obstetricians (and my personal favorite), Dr. Irina, shows when it's safest and how to have the most exhilarating sex during pregnancy in her latest book, Pregnancy from A to Z

Examine Healthy Pregnancy - Things to Avoid During Pregnancy additional


Pregnancy is a vital moment for you and especially your baby. She will grow and develop inside of you for nine months. Your life will be her life and your heartbeat will be hers too. What you are eating, drinking and doing during pregnancy you must think about and ensure that is healthy. A slight mistake can cause harm for you and your baby. It is wise to make a right decision during pregnancy.  

Pelvic floor exercise is an exercise which good to do during pregnancy. As during pregnancy, the stress on pelvic muscle and the stretching and widening of vagina at delivery sometimes damages the pelvic floor muscle, ligament and others tissue that hold the pelvis in place in the abdomen.  

Avoid alcohol since it may reach your baby via your blood stream and placenta. An alcoholic expectant mother is at greater risk of giving birth to a baby with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Order (FASO), which describes a problem ranging from learning difficulties to more serious birth defects.  

Cut back on caffeine mom! Some research feels too much caffeine can put the baby in the risk of having low weight birth or increase the chance of miscarriage. In the first trimester it is advisable to change your caffeine drink into decaffeinated drink. A refreshing alternative is a glass of mineral water with a twist of lime or lemon. 

Stop smoking! Smoking during pregnancy can cause you to miscarry, have a premature delivery, stillbirth, or cot death. Smoking in the first trimester is slightly increasing your baby of having a cleft lip or palate.

For more information about pregnancy and how to prepare your early parenthood, go to : []

Yvonne Hanson is a mother and professional adviser, specialized on parenting area. She enjoys helping parents to raise their children, starting from the pregnancy period by giving valuable information.

Healthy Pregnancy - Things to Avoid During Pregnancy

Examine Candida and Pregnancy much more

Candida and Pregnancy


Candida is quickly becoming one of the most controversial health topics of our time. Most conventional doctors don't believe the ailment even exists since there are such a myriad of symptoms associated with the disease, but those that do believe tend to do so passionately. There has never been any sort of ironclad study done on the ability for a woman who suffers from Candida to conceive, the much more common yeast infection form of Candida is thought to interfere in a woman's body chemistry enough as to stop any possible conception.

A yeast infection can release toxins into the bloodstream and cause everything from vaginal thrush to arthritis, autism, asthma, psoriasis and in some cases, infertility. An excellent way to deal with these types of infections is with over-the-counter yeast infection medications or creams, or by simply changing your diet to a no yeast, anti-candida diet.

The easiest way to tell if you have a yeast infection include itching and redness in the vaginal area. Also, inflammation on the urinary opening and more frequent urination as well as painful urination are signs. In severe cases, the vulva may swell and small fissures can appear. Discharge can become thick and white. Intercourse will usually become painful as well, also hurting your chances of conception. In rare cases, yeast infections can come from your sexual partner, and in those cases, the partner would need to be treated for the infection as well if conception is to be more likely.

Once you are pregnant, yeast infections become common. Studies have shown that women are actually more susceptible to yeast infections during pregnancy than during any other time in their lives, especially during the second trimester. There is no evidence that the yeast infection can damage the baby or cause any sort of birth defect, but the number of drugs that can be used to treat the infection are limited due to the fact that you're pregnant. They mostly cause a major amount of discomfort in a time when you're already experiencing high amounts of discomfort due to the pregnancy itself.

Yeast infections are more common during pregnancy mostly because of the roller coaster ride your body is going through hormonally. A high vaginal pH (a more acidic environment) is healthy and helps keep Candida at bay, but during the second trimester of the pregnancy there is an increase in the amount of sugar in vaginal secretions on which the yeast can feed on, causing a large amount of growth and a pain for the women having to put up with it.

The most common and least evasive treatments of yeast infections during pregnancy are over-the-counter and prescription creams and suppositories. If left untreated, a yeast infection can be passed to your baby during birth via the mouth. This is called thrush and can be treated with a prescription drug called Nystatin. Treatment time of the infection while pregnant can range from a week to two weeks. You should have a much easier time controlling your pH, and your Candida once the pregnancy is over.

Jane Symms invites you to join her FREE newsletter, full of natural methods to relieve candida symptoms - SUBSCRIBE HERE. Further candia resources are available, with more information on candida in pregnancy.

Examine Early Pregnancy Smoking - Quit Smoking in Early Pregnancy to Avoid Further Harm to Your Baby more

Early Pregnancy Smoking - Quit Smoking in Early Pregnancy to Avoid Further Harm to Your Baby



Early pregnancy smoking may seem harmless if done within the first few months of being pregnant; however, the truth is unknown to most of us and there is nothing harmless about exposing an unborn fetus to direct or second-hand smoke. Without your knowledge, you are denying your child the oxygen he or she needs to survive in the womb.

Smoking exposes your child to the toxins found in tobacco smoke. If that weren't bad enough, you are also impeding the function of the placenta, making it hard for your child to receive the nutrients he or she needs during pregnancy.

When broken down it is easy to see that tobacco smoke not only damages the mother's health, but also puts the baby at risk for serious health problems during and after birth. When a person smokes, some of the oxygen in her blood is replaced with carbon monoxide. Therefore, the child's blood contains less oxygen than necessary, causing the baby's heart rate to accelerate. The toxins found in tobacco also alter the blood's ability to function healthily and normally. This can directly affect the placenta's ability to provide the baby with the nutrition he or she needs.

There is most certainly a safe and natural way to decrease the risks associated with early pregnancy smoking. When searching for the perfect method to kick your toxic habit, look into Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). NLP is a natural, safe, and highly effective way to help you quit smoking before too much damage is caused to your unborn child, or if you want to get pregnant, this is a perfect way to ensure that your pregnancy goes off without a hitch.

Neuro Linguistic Programming targets those areas that cause nicotine cravings and removes them entirely, allowing you to quit smoking safely without the trauma of heavy withdrawal symptoms and stamps out early pregnancy smoking.

Stop early pregnancy smoking that can cause your unborn child serious harm. What a wonderful gift this pregnancy can be; not only will you have a beautiful baby but it can be the springboard to a new smoke-free life. Visit to learn more about how NLP is the safest and most effective way for expectant mothers to quit smoking.

Study Pregnancy - The Accuracy of Getting a Blood Test to Find Out the Gender a lot more

So you are pregnant. Do you want a boy or a girl? Eager parents cannot wait to find out the gender of their baby. However, the answer is only a blood test away. There are now a few companies that claim to provide this new service. One company even claims that the accuracy of getting a blood test to find out the gender of your unborn baby is 99.9%.

The blood test is an alternative to medical procedures which determine the gender of the baby, such as ultrasound. The advantage of using blood test to find out the gender of the baby is that it is not so invasive in nature. It has been proven that there are some risks when you do the ultrasound. Women may be motivated to use the blood test. They are eager to know whether their baby is a girl or a boy. They just need to know so that they can be mentally prepared as well as prepare for the baby's wardrobe.

To use the procedure, a pregnant woman can just prick her finger and collect three drops of blood on the special test paper, and send the sample to the company in the envelope provided. The company promises that the result will be available in 1 or 2 days after receiving the blood sample, and can be viewed on their web site using a code printed on the test kit.

However, it's important to understand that the blood test does not tell you a "Boy" or "Girl" result but simply, "male DNA detected or not."

Positive result - This means that you are having at least one male baby. This could also mean that you are carrying more than one male, or male/girl twins.

Negative result - This means that you are not pregnant with a boy, so a girl pregnancy is assumed. This could also mean that none of the baby's DNA was in the blood sample you collected, or that the DNA was there but not detected.

However, medical studies have shown that the accuracy of finding out the gender of the baby may vary depending on the week of pregnancy. Since the introduction of such blood test, there have been ethical concerns about couples taking the test solely to find out the sex of the fetus early on and possibly ending the pregnancy based on that information.

Therefore it is not advisable in getting a blood test to find out the gender of your unborn baby. It is better to wait the full 9 months and be pleasantly surprised by the sex of your baby.

Are you struggling to get pregnant? Are you frustrated, or feeling angry for not being able to conceive despite all your efforts? Click here now to learn how to get pregnant fast.

Pregnancy - The Accuracy of Getting a Blood Test to Find Out the Gender


Understand Are You Aware Of The Stages Of Pregnancy? additional

Are You Aware Of The Stages Of Pregnancy?

Pregnancy Trimesters

All smart moms-to-be know their stages of pregnancy. Are you one of them? If not, then read this and become a smart, well-informed mom-to-be.

The First Stage Of Pregnancy - The First Trimester

The first trimester is full of pregnancy symptoms such as sore breasts, heightened morning sickness, extreme tiredness, frequent urination, and more. However, don't panic after reading this! These symptoms are temporary and you will soon learn to cope with them. They are the body's way of dealing with the drastic changes taking place inside it due to the pregnancy.

At this time, your baby has developed its heartbeats, tiny limbs, and reflexes. A balanced diet and regular exercise is a must at this stage in order to deliver a healthy baby later. Consult your doctor to fix a workout schedule and plan a nutritious diet. Do not forget your daily folic acid and vitamin C intake.

The Second Stage Of Pregnancy - The Second Trimester

In the second trimester, you will get a bulging belly. At last, people will know you are expecting! You might encounter certain sleeping problems at this stage. And be prepared for Braxton Hicks contractions, which are popularly known as false labor.

Want to know what happens to your baby at this time? Well, your baby gets hairy all over! The hair helps in regulating the body temperature once it is out of your womb. Besides this, your baby's senses start to develop. Now your baby can hear sounds from outside and also distinguish between light and dark! As you approach the end of second trimester, you will feel the kicks of your baby.

The Third Stage Of Pregnancy - The Third Trimester

The third trimester is better known as the baby stage of pregnancy. A lot of changes take place in your body during this stage. Your belly appears like a fully inflated balloon! Well, it's almost time to get prepared for delivery. You should start adding to your knowledge about childbirth as well as nursing. Your baby is fully developed by this time, except her lungs that develop until the end of the third trimester. The wait for the big day has begun!

One of the keys to having an enjoyable pregnancy is to be well-informed about each trimester with respect to what's happening to your body and to your baby in each stage. The more information you have, the less fearful you will be about the entire process.

A piece of advice: Due dates are not always accurate. You may deliver earlier or later than the date calculated for delivery. So those of you, who are curious to know their due dates, better focus their energies in knowing how to deal better with the pregnancy rather than the date. Remember; a good start will make things smoother in the later trimesters. This means a nutritious diet and a regular exercise regime in the first trimester is a must for laying a healthy foundation for the whole pregnancy process.

So, all the moms-to-be; congratulations and best wishes for a happy and a healthy pregnancy!

When you are aware about different stages of pregnancy, you can monitor your pregnancy much better and take care of your health and the health of your baby. With the information about pregnancy stages, you know what to expect during first trimester of pregnancy, second trimester of pregnancy and third trimester of the pregnancy. You are more aware about the possible pregnancy complications, foods to eat during each pregnancy trimester and foods to avoid during pregnancy. You know what pregnancy exercises are beneficial and what movements could be harmful. Moreover, with information about possible pregnancy complications, pregnancy symptoms, you are better equipped to deal with them. Visit Pregnancy for more information on almost everything you wish to know about pregnancy and related issues.

Study Skin Care During Pregnancy - Problems and Treatments more

Pregnancy is probably one of the greatest experiences in the world. Even so, there are a couple of things that start worrying most women during this time like skin care during pregnancy. This article will give you a heads up on some of the skin problems you want to deal with before they start leaving unwanted marks on your complexion.

During pregnancy, the added hormones in the blood stream can create a variety of problems that can affect your skin. Some can be affected by acne, melasma and stretch marks or an existing condition can be exacerbated like for example eczema.

Skin problems during pregnancy can be stress full and this doesn't do anything good for your unborn baby. Informing yourself about the symptoms you are experiencing and how to treat them is the best way to have a harmonious and trouble-free pregnancy.

Acne and Pregnancy

Hormone levels can spike the production of sebum which is why many pregnant females are affected by acne. Most common spots for acne breakouts are the face, chest and back.

Treatment for acne during pregnancy can be a tricky business due to the fact that most acne remedies contain chemicals like benzoyl peroxide, which has been linked to birth defects. Nevertheless, there are some equally good products made with natural ingredients that you can use. Natural acne products with for example snail serum and willow bark extract (natural form of salicylic acid) is a very good combination to treat acne problems during pregnancy.

Melasma and Pregnancy

An excess level of melanin is also produced due to hormonal imbalances. This creates dark patches around your cheeks, nose and forehead. This is a very common problem during pregnancy.

Only natural products are recommended here too. Snail secretion and rumex extract (natural skin whitener) is highly recommended. This combination will inhibit melanin production.

Stretch Marks and Pregnancy

Stretch marks are almost inevitable during the last months of pregnancy and nearly 90% are affected with this common skin problem.

A balanced diet and skin that is well moisturized is the best way to prevent this. It's also advisable to use a natural skin moisturizer to prevent stretch marks here too. Snail secretion is great at keeping your skin in top shape and you should moisturize at least 2 times daily to keep your skin properly moisturized.


Remember that you need to change your regular skin care products to natural skin care products to prevent harm to your unborn baby. Stretch mark treatments that contain snail secretion are the best way to prevent and treat stretch marks, acne and melasma.

Skin Care During Pregnancy - Problems and Treatments


Read through Pregnancy - Moving From the First Into the Second Trimester more

Pregnancy Trimesters

A normal pregnancy lasts around 37 to 42 weeks, or an average of 40 weeks from the first day of a woman's last period.

Pregnancy is divided into thirds, called trimesters. It's an easy way to describe and earmark the changes that happen to both mum and baby during pregnancy.

The first trimester is week one to week 12, the second is week 13 to week 27, and the third is week 28 to week 40.

Many couples choose not to tell many people their news until the woman enters the second trimester of pregnancy. There can be several reasons for this. One is that the first trimester is the time when the majority of miscarriages occur so women feel more secure in their condition once they are through the first trimester of pregnancy.

Some women may of course sail through the first trimester without even having any signs of pregnancy so for them the pregnancy starts at the beginning of the second trimester.

Some couples choose not to share their news to give them time to settle into the idea and share this wonderful secret between them, or to shorten the length of time that friends and family are "waiting" for the happy event. Forty weeks can go very slowly for some people.

It's usual for pregnant women to feel quite different in their second trimester.

At week 14 it is possible you could still be experiencing nausea. But in the majority of cases morning sickness and fatigue should now have passed and mums-to-be should experience a more energetic phase with possibly an increased libido!

There are other physical changes as a woman moves from the first trimester to the second trimester of pregnancy; your breasts should be less sensitive and as the uterus grows your belly will be pushed out and the pregnancy more visible.

At this stage mums-to-be will start planning ahead for the birth, but you mustn't neglect your own needs and must continue to look after yourself.

Continue with your healthy diet and exercise and try to avoid the baggy old sweat pants look because if you feel good about your appearance you will take more care of your body.

You may be experiencing some strange food cravings - although these can occur at any time they are more likely to start during the second trimester of pregnancy. Whatever foods make it onto your wish list now, just remember that you don't need to eat for two.

Keep to a healthy diet and you won't have to struggle with losing unwanted baby weight after the birth.

Jessica is a writer, who specializes in writing on pregnancy, having a baby, baby clubs etc. If you are searching for pregnancy week by week please visit us at

Pregnancy - Moving From the First Into the Second Trimester

Pregnancy Trimesters

Understand A Quick Overview Of Your Pregnancy Calendar additional

"The best weapon against uncertainty is knowledge"

A pregnancy calendar is a very useful tool for every pregnant woman. This will educate you on what to expect in every week as your pregnancy progresses. The information inside it is also important because it alleviates anxiety by explaining why such things are happening.

The information inside it also consists of milestones of your baby's development, early pregnancy symptoms, and may also include tips and suggestions about the right pregnancy diet and exercise.

Pregnancy Calendar By Trimester
A full term of pregnancy is divided into three trimesters.
First trimester - 1 to 12 weeks
Second trimester - 13 to 26 weeks
Third trimester - 27 weeks till the date of delivery

First Trimester
During ovulation, the body is preparing for fertilization. On the third week, the egg meets the sperm, fertilization happens and a cell is formed. The embryo and placenta are also formed and the baby's body parts begin to form. In this phase, the baby's heart is also developing. This is the best time to take your pregnancy test.

You will begin to feel the uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms. Morning sickness and food aversion may also become evident. Exhaustion and fatigue is also common at this trimester. Don't forget to consult your doctor to get proper health care.

Second Trimester
You will probably start to feel the baby moving around. The body organs are also developing which will allow the doctor to identify your baby's gender. Your baby eyes are able to move, he starts to hear noises from the outside world and by 32 weeks, all of the internal organs are fully developed except, for the lungs. The belly will continue to increase in size throughout the coming weeks. Other uncomfortable symptoms that she may encounter include heartburn, indigestion, hemorrhoids, stretch marks or varicose veins.

Third Trimester
The growing baby will make further demands on your body. Your weight will continue to increase, more frequent trips to the bathroom and back pain. So try to find ways to make yourself comfortable and keep your spirits high. You can take mild exercises such as walking and doing household chores.

You can also try pregnancy massage or pregnancy yoga. At home, it is useful if you start practising deep breathing exercises which will help in facilitating labour. Don't forget to prepare your labour bag as well as your birth plan.

I hope this overview was useful for you. When you notice something that is abnormal in pregnancy such as heavy bleeding and severe abdominal cramps, consult your health care provider immediately. A pregnancy calendar will give you details on what's supposed to be normal or not.

For more information on pregnancy calendar visit Newborn Baby. We provide information on Free Pregnancy Calendar Week By Week and early pregnancy symptoms. Visit now to find out more.

A Quick Overview Of Your Pregnancy Calendar

Pregnancy Trimesters

Understand Teenage Pregnancy - 7 Traumatic Effects Of Teenage Pregnancy! a lot more

It is stress that drives a young adolescent into a relationship. Confirmation that she has conceived a child brings on added stress. She is too young to face this emotional challenge and unable to decide what to do regarding the pregnancy. Furthermore, a large number of negative effects follow a teenage pregnancy, a major one being social stigma. This has been proved by research studies galore.

To go into details about the traumatic effects of teenage pregnancy-

(1) What is an adolescent's age? It is somewhere between 10 and 19 years. Getting pregnant at this age can be life-threatening. Mortality rates are four times higher for a pregnant teenager in the age bracket of 15 to 19, than for women aged between 25 and 29 years. The unborn child is at increased risk too. For girls falling into the age bracket of 10 to 14, it is even worse. Should they have live births, the infant is likely to die soon or face serious health challenges.

(2) Teenage pregnancy makes it difficult for the girl to continue with her education. The drop-out rate is therefore pretty high. Even if they come from similar backgrounds, 61% of adolescents wait till the age of 20 to 21 to have babies and therefore complete high school. In contrast are those girls who give birth to children before they have completed 18 years of age; only 41% become high school graduates.

(3) Even after giving birth, the young mother finds it difficult to keep up with her peers where academic performance is concerned. She is forced to repeat classes and exhibits poor scoring in standardized tests. Ultimately, she may never graduate at all.

(4) Finding a regular source of income becomes difficult as every job position demands certain skills which are markedly lacking because of not having a proper education.

(5) The only alternative left after a teenage pregnancy is to take public assistance, that is, go on welfare. Most of these teens are unmarried and over 75% of them ask for support within five years of becoming mothers. Some researchers feel that poverty-ridden teenagers welcome pregnancy so that they can get financial support from the child's father; this is supposed to be a survival mechanism to escape hopeless poverty.

(6) Children born to such young parents often display retarded psycho-social development and malnutritional effects. This is because a teenage mother lacks parenting skills. She fails to understand what her child needs and does not realize the importance of smiling, touching or verbally communicating with her child. Anger against society is taken out on the child and physical abuse is possible.

(7) When grown up, the young ones of these 'teen mothers' exhibit behavioral tendencies which are deemed socially unacceptable. This is in fact the worst effect of a teenage pregnancy. The son can become a criminal offender and land up in prison - the rate is three times more for these boys than normal criminals. The daughter may follow in the footsteps of her mother and become a victim of teenage pregnancy herself.

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Teenage Pregnancy - 7 Traumatic Effects Of Teenage Pregnancy!

Examine 24 Hour Urine Test - Pregnancy much more

The moment any pregnancy early signs are noticed, the urine protein must be tested. A test that checks the Urine Protein to Creatinine Ratio, also known as UPCR, UP/CR, protein to creatinine ratio, tells you about the protein in the urine. Prior to this test one must be familiar with the Signs of pregnancy.

• Morning sickness
• Fatigue
• Missed period
• Implantation cramping
• Frequent urination
• Tender swollen breasts or Darkening of areolas
• Headache
• Indigestion
• Food cravings (in later stage)

Urine Protein Test

Expecting pregnant women are normally recommended to go for a urine pregnancy test right after the appearance of first pregnancy symptoms. The protein/creatinine test is very simple and it calculates a hormone in the urine related with pregnancy - beta human chorionic gonadotropin or beta-HCG.
Creatinine is a byproduct of muscle metabolism; it is produced constantly and is excreted through the urine from the body. Since, creatinine is constantly produced in the body its count in the urine, indirectly, determines the measurement of kidney function which is also known as glomerular filtration rate. A significant rise in the serum creatinine in the urine may also show kidney damage.

Although, urine protein can be measured from any urine sample but a 24-hour urine test is the most accurate way to assess the pregnancy signs with creatinine.

Throughout pregnancy, some other protein may be excreted in the urine, due to the increase in the renal blood flow. Normal, quantity of this added protein loss should not be more than 300 mg in 24 hours.

24 hour urine pregnancy tests are advised after 10 days of ovulation and fertilization. However, the doctors' advice waiting till the missed periods as the pregnancy test taken before this may indicate a false pregnancy result. Vigorous physical activity or muscular trauma during or prior to the test will cause an increased amount of creatinine and may lead to false results as well.


Cain Smith is expert in writing articles on pregnancy and other related issues. She is working in famous hospital in USA. She is also work for women's Health & USA Medicine Researcher. Read her more articles on signs of pregnancy, symptoms of pregnancy.

24 Hour Urine Test - Pregnancy


Examine Getting Ready For Pregnancy more

Getting Ready For Pregnancy



Pregnancy is that wonderful time in a woman's life that is memorable, whether it is the first one or second, or even third. Each pregnancy is a whole new experience. No matter how prepared the mother-to-be is, she needs to know whether she is ready for the amazing changes it brings mentally, emotionally and physically.

Naturally, the first thing you would look for if you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant is a comprehensive guide to pregnancy that can be your best friend throughout those critical nine months. But let us first find out whether you are ready to get pregnant. We can categorize this into being ready emotionally and physically so that you are mentally prepared.

Being emotionally prepared for pregnancy:

It is no news that parenthood is a 24-hour job. Having a child brings with it changes in lifestyle that you must accept cheerfully most of the time. You might have to make sacrifices like giving up on free time, sleeping late on holidays, etc.

Your partner and you must basically agree on a variety of issues. If there are disagreements, now is the time to talk about them before you conceive. Unless you do this, you cannot prepare yourself emotionally. After all, pregnancy is a major decision and you don't want to have any concerns about it later.

Do not get pressurized into pregnancy simply because your partner is keen. It is important for both your partner and you to look forward to being parents. Suppose you are not in a relationship, you need to be emotionally ready to be a single parent. If you happen to be studying, think about where your baby will fit in.

Another issue to think about now is religious differences if any, since these affect your baby. You also want to be emotionally prepared to be loving parents to a child who has special needs. Think about childcare if both you and your partner go out to work. Discuss all this with your partner.

Being physically prepared for pregnancy:

You definitely want to be in good shape through your pregnancy. To do this, you need to understand that the health of your baby will depend on your health as well as your partner's. Did you know that your baby's organs start forming in the first four weeks of pregnancy even before you realize you are pregnant? So before you conceive, there are many things you can do from your side to ensure the best for your baby. These are:

Take folic acid daily before your pregnancy
Get a thorough check up both with your physician and dentist
Make sure you eat healthy
Give up smoking and this includes passive smoke
Stop alcohol
Stop non-prescription drugs
Stay healthy, avoiding infections that can harm your baby
Discuss your family health history with your physician
Be relaxed and avoid stress
A large part of getting ready for pregnancy lies in your control and your guide to pregnancy can tell you how. Also remember to discuss finances with your partner and plan ahead so that you are well prepared. Start saving now - in fact make it a habit to save. Make sure your health insurance is up to date.

When you are prepared for your pregnancy, it can be the best time of your life!

Note: The information here is not intended to replace your doctor's advice. If you have any concerns about your pregnancy, please contact your doctor.

If you are pregnant, or planning on getting pregnant, get a headstart with this guide to pregnancy [], which will tell you every thing you should know about pregnancy []

Understand What to Eat While Pregnant Through Each Trimester extra

What to Eat While Pregnant Through Each Trimester

Pregnancy Trimesters

Pregnancy Trimesters

What to eat while pregnant is a burning question on the minds of expectant parents. Much attention is given to diet during pregnancy. First trimester passes and commitment to eat a healthy balanced diet for pregnancy fades. Often by the time the third trimester concludes, what was once a great eating plan has devolved into an outright poor diet during pregnancy.

It might seem difficult to keep up diet changes for the entire nine months, but a balanced diet for pregnancy is important through the whole pregnancy. A great diet during pregnancy first trimester alone is not enough. Medical facts regarding the different needs to eat while pregnant for every trimester are very clear.

Eating in the First Trimester

An expectant mother's relationship with food alters drastically during the first trimester. An awareness of the developing systems within the fetus and their susceptibility to birth defects linked to poor diet during pregnancy are only some of the reasons why mothers question the healthful qualities of every bite entering their mouths.

Morning sickness is also affected by diet and poor eating habits. Regularly eating foods that contribute to steady blood sugar levels can keep nausea in check.

One kernel of lesser known first trimester dietary wisdom is that moms-to-be should not increase their portion sizes at all. The body's caloric needs are not changed during those first few weeks of pregnancy.

Eating in the Second Trimester

Okay, now your body and baby will begin to demand a bit more in terms of caloric need. As much as mom might wish it would, it does not give her license to eat any little thing she pleases. Healthy pregnancies are sustained by the paltry increase of only 300 calories each day. This means mom only needs to add about a half a sandwich each day to what she eats while pregnant.

The second trimester also bids farewell to morning sickness. This may increase the chances of overeating or the indulging of a sweet and salty craving. Don't give in. Weight gain should hold steady. Packing on extra pounds will decrease energy levels and set mom up for a miserable third trimester as well as contribute to difficulty in the delivery room.

Eating in the Third Trimester

Contrary to popularly held public opinion, one of the fastest periods of fetal brain development occurs in the third trimester. This means all that careful eating done in the name of protecting baby's brain during the first trimester is incomplete unless careful eating for baby's brain development in the last few weeks of pregnancy follows it up.

In addition to rapid brain development, other vital organs, such as the lungs and heart, are in their last stages of growth as well. Insufficient nutrients during the third trimester can cause just as much harm as other trimesters.

In the last four weeks of pregnancy, the baby will double in size packing on those last few ounces needed to qualify your bundle of joy as "bouncing baby". Low birth weight babies are more susceptible to illness and tend to have difficulty sleeping, nursing or just thriving in general after birth.

Baby and mom deserve and need a balanced diet during pregnancy for the entire three trimesters.

Isabel De Los Rios, nutritionist, exercise specialist, author and successful business owner has unlocked the secrets to healthy weight maintenance not only for life but during the especially crucial time of pregnancy. Find out what to eat while pregnant to get the body, health and vitality you've always wanted at

Go through Eating During Pregnancy - Your Overview for the Second Trimester much more

Eating during pregnancy means more than just limiting your caffeine intake and swearing off alcohol. Each trimester offers its own particular set of challenges to overcome, as well as specific nutritional needs that should be met. In this article, we'll focus on second trimester nutrition.

During this part of your pregnancy, your baby will form her hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, eyelids, and nails. Her bones will increase in density. Her nervous system will begin functioning. With all of these intense changes occurring in your baby, maintaining proper nutrition is crucial to her wellbeing as well as your own.

This article provides a basic overview of some of the challenges and special needs you may experience during this phase of your pregnancy.

Cravings while Eating During Pregnancy

During the second trimester, cravings usually surface. Keep in mind that indulging your cravings can be perfectly fine in moderation. However, indulging in unhealthy cravings can cause you to gain weight quickly.

It is best to try to limit your weight gain to a healthy amount while you are pregnant, because trying to lose weight after you have your baby can be challenging and stressful. Depending on your cravings, you may indulge a few times a week, or even once per day.

If your craving is for chocolate, for example, you can allow yourself a Hershey's Kiss or other small amount of chocolate per day without causing weight gain or maxing out the amount of caffeine you should ingest. So the bottom line is, indulge in moderation while eating during pregnancy, and you should be fine.

How Much Weight Should You Gain when You're Pregnant?

Speaking of weight gain, your second trimester is when you will gain the most weight throughout your pregnancy. Most women are terrified to gain too much and worry about what's an acceptable amount to gain. A weight gain of 20 to 30 pounds is perfectly acceptable during pregnancy.

If you gain more than that, you could have trouble losing the weight after pregnancy. You can try to contain your weight gain by drinking plenty of water-in fact, you should drink half your weight in water each day.

In addition, you should swear off sugar and artificial sweeteners. If your sweet tooth is a real issue, you can substitute all-natural sweeteners that don't pack a huge caloric punch, such as xylitol, agave syrup, stevia, and raw honey (in moderation).

Increase Your Protein Intake when Eating During Pregnancy

During this phase of your pregnancy, eating enough protein is essential. In fact, you should aim for having a protein portion with each meal and snack. Protein contains essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals which are crucial to cognitive and neural development for your baby.

Protein also keeps your energy level and blood sugar on an even keel. Now that your morning sickness has likely ended, you should strive to lay off the refined carbs and up your intake of protein with each meal.

Organic eggs, raw nuts, nut butters, and lean cuts of organic meats are all excellent sources of protein. You can also incorporate low-mercury types of seafood, such as sardines, anchovies, and salmon, into your diet twice weekly to increase your intake of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Stay Stress-Free

When you are pregnant, it's important to limit the amount of stress you experience. Studies show that high levels of stress during pregnancy can cause problems for the developing fetus and increase your chances for a difficult pregnancy and labor.

Spending regular time with friends and family, taking regular exercise, and trying yoga and meditation are all ways you can reduce stress and enjoy your pregnancy. Journaling is another stress-reducing pastime.

You can also spend your pregnancy indulging in "me" time, which will be in short supply in the months immediately following your baby's birth. Enjoying pedicures, watching movies, and spending time with friends are all great ways to reduce stress and increase your happiness during pregnancy.

Pregnancy Trimesters
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Eating During Pregnancy - Your Overview for the Second Trimester

Go through Pregnancy - Natural Pain Relief Methods far more

Every woman feels very special & look forward to seeing the new born baby in the world. This is the time when the women feel excited as well as she also feels the pain in her body. There are few times when women's back, hips & ankles would turn anxious as the weight of baby is also adapted by the women's body. It is proven that painkillers are not good for human health and these painkillers are very risky and unsafe for the fetus. Hence, women should go for pain relief that is natural. They natural pain relief would be safe than the painkiller medicines, these medicines cause damages to the babies.

The common pain during pregnancy is back pain and particularly lower back pain and that pain is due to several numbers of body changes occurs during pregnancy. As soon as the women start gaining weight the pain increases as in women's body the back is required to support the weight of baby and particularly, when the mother is overweight then this kind of brain mainly occurs.

There are many options and procedures and even the change in the lifestyle helps women to feel relax and comfortable in pregnancy.

1. Required to do exercise regularly

In pregnancy women should do regular back exercise and should let the back relax & stretch and also help body to do proper circulation. This is very important and efficient when the back pain is caused due to stress level pregnancy. Several exercise are geared for women those who are pregnant. To do regular exercise helps the women's body to be prepared for the birth. You should always consult the physician before starting the regular exercise.

2. Massage

Massage during pregnancy can help reduce aches, discomfort, pain and prepare the body for labor. Massage during pregnancy has also been shown to decrease norepinephrine and cortisol, the hormones of stress. High stress hormones in pregnat women has a great affect on the development of her baby.

3. Meditation

Meditation can be great, simple ways to relieve stress, calms your mind and avoid focusing on the pain. You can feel peaceful and achieve calm by taking the mind away from focusing on problems and creating positive energy

4. Acupuncture

Acupuncture offers many benefits to pregnant women. Acupuncture can be used during pregnancy to relieve pain and improve the flow and balance of energy. It has been used to relief of nausea, heartburn, morning sickness, stress, high blood pressure and backache related to pregnancy. Acupuncture has no adverse side effects for the mother or baby.

5. Yoga Exercise

Pregnant women should do yoga every day as it increases strength and good health in the body & even helps to improve balancing the women's body.

Even after doing regular back exercise, women should also consult a chiropractor who can give proper advice on the exercises and also on the poster procedure. The chiropractor could also assist in providing total support & directions of massage on muscles and joints in the women's body. He could also assist in much pain relief that are connected to pains and aches. If the physician is experienced, he will assist in taking proper protection without any pain to avoid pressure on abdominal area of the women's body.

There are several aches, pains and uncomfortable feelings throughout pregnancy. These types of pains can be decreased through natural treatments. Even many women are in two minds and even are not settled regarding the procedure their body is facing at that point of time.

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Pregnancy - Natural Pain Relief Methods

Read Changes to Expect in the Pregnancy Stages much more

Pregnancy Trimesters

You can expect to go through many different changes in your body and your emotions during the pregnancy stages. There are three stages of pregnancy, called trimesters, each of which lasts for about three months. Each one brings different feelings about yourself and the baby, different emotions about the things around you and of course, different types of changes that occur within your body. One of the best ways of recording these changes so that you can answer the questions of your friends when they become pregnant or if you want to compare one pregnancy to another is to start keeping a journal as soon as you discover that you are to become a mother.

Even before you know you are pregnant for sure, you will start to notice different changes in your body at the beginning of the first trimester. Your breasts will start to increase in size as the mammary gland start to fill with milk. This will not be an immediate change, bit one that will occur gradually with a slight increase in fullness. You may start to feel tired more quickly than usual and nausea, which is always the first chance that pregnant women notice, becomes more frequent. This nausea is called morning sickness because it usually occurs in the morning is quite uncomfortable and foods that you normally loved may now leave you feeling queasy just at the thought of them. Other changes you and others will notice include your frequent trips to the washroom.

By the end of your first trimester, you will have a little baby bulge, enough for others to notice and ask if you are expecting, if you haven`t already told them. During the seventh week, the baby has started to develop a face and the vital organs have started to develop. The heartbeat develops during this time and by the time the second trimester starts it is quite possible that you have listened to the heartbeat in your doctor`s office.

The morning sickness usually starts to ease off in the second trimester, but each woman is different. Some are well beyond the nausea at this point, while others have nausea into their third trimester. The danger of miscarriage is past by the time you reach the 12th week, so you can start to relax and enjoy the pregnancy. These three months are usually the easiest of the nine.

Both you can your partner have started to adapt to the fact you will have another member of the family and your emotions are more regulated, which means you and your partner can get back to normal and he won`t have to try to tread easily around you without fear of making you cry for no reason. Your body will start to grow during this stage and you may have uncomfortable periods when the baby seems to be kicking you in the ribs.

The final stage of pregnancy starts in the sixth month. This is when you will see the greatest growth in your belly as the baby starts to fully develop and put on a little weight. During your seventh month you may experience swelling of your hands and feet and need to rest more often during the day. During your final month, the baby drops further down into the uterus to prepare for birth. This will give you relief under your ribs, but it will also put more pressure on the bladder so you will have to visit the washroom even more frequently.

Your anxiety level will probably be higher at this point if this is your first pregnancy and you don`t know what to expect in the delivery. You will have more energy than normal during the final few weeks as you prepare for the coming of the baby.

For more information on pregnancy stages, nausea during pregnancy and older women and pregnancy visit

Changes to Expect in the Pregnancy Stages

Pregnancy Trimesters