Understand What to Eat While Pregnant Through Each Trimester extra

What to Eat While Pregnant Through Each Trimester

Pregnancy Trimesters

Pregnancy Trimesters

What to eat while pregnant is a burning question on the minds of expectant parents. Much attention is given to diet during pregnancy. First trimester passes and commitment to eat a healthy balanced diet for pregnancy fades. Often by the time the third trimester concludes, what was once a great eating plan has devolved into an outright poor diet during pregnancy.

It might seem difficult to keep up diet changes for the entire nine months, but a balanced diet for pregnancy is important through the whole pregnancy. A great diet during pregnancy first trimester alone is not enough. Medical facts regarding the different needs to eat while pregnant for every trimester are very clear.

Eating in the First Trimester

An expectant mother's relationship with food alters drastically during the first trimester. An awareness of the developing systems within the fetus and their susceptibility to birth defects linked to poor diet during pregnancy are only some of the reasons why mothers question the healthful qualities of every bite entering their mouths.

Morning sickness is also affected by diet and poor eating habits. Regularly eating foods that contribute to steady blood sugar levels can keep nausea in check.

One kernel of lesser known first trimester dietary wisdom is that moms-to-be should not increase their portion sizes at all. The body's caloric needs are not changed during those first few weeks of pregnancy.

Eating in the Second Trimester

Okay, now your body and baby will begin to demand a bit more in terms of caloric need. As much as mom might wish it would, it does not give her license to eat any little thing she pleases. Healthy pregnancies are sustained by the paltry increase of only 300 calories each day. This means mom only needs to add about a half a sandwich each day to what she eats while pregnant.

The second trimester also bids farewell to morning sickness. This may increase the chances of overeating or the indulging of a sweet and salty craving. Don't give in. Weight gain should hold steady. Packing on extra pounds will decrease energy levels and set mom up for a miserable third trimester as well as contribute to difficulty in the delivery room.

Eating in the Third Trimester

Contrary to popularly held public opinion, one of the fastest periods of fetal brain development occurs in the third trimester. This means all that careful eating done in the name of protecting baby's brain during the first trimester is incomplete unless careful eating for baby's brain development in the last few weeks of pregnancy follows it up.

In addition to rapid brain development, other vital organs, such as the lungs and heart, are in their last stages of growth as well. Insufficient nutrients during the third trimester can cause just as much harm as other trimesters.

In the last four weeks of pregnancy, the baby will double in size packing on those last few ounces needed to qualify your bundle of joy as "bouncing baby". Low birth weight babies are more susceptible to illness and tend to have difficulty sleeping, nursing or just thriving in general after birth.

Baby and mom deserve and need a balanced diet during pregnancy for the entire three trimesters.

Isabel De Los Rios, nutritionist, exercise specialist, author and successful business owner has unlocked the secrets to healthy weight maintenance not only for life but during the especially crucial time of pregnancy. Find out what to eat while pregnant to get the body, health and vitality you've always wanted at http://www.WhatToEatWhilePregnant.com.