Read through First Trimester Pregnancy Symptoms - How to Tell If You Are Pregnant a lot more

Sometimes it can be difficult to detect first trimester pregnancy symptoms. You may be feeling frustrated over an inability to detect whether or not you are pregnant. Here are some basic ways to determine if you are a mommy-to-be.

1. Sore breasts

You may feel pain and tenderness in the breast area if you are pregnant. This is a common symptom shared by women who are newly pregnant. Sore breasts occur largely because of hormonal changes in the body. They can also occur during PMS so it is a good idea to keep track of your cycle when you are trying to determine if you are pregnant.

2. Nausea

Many women experience nausea and even light vomiting during initial pregnancy. However, most people won't outright vomit from the beginning of pregnancy and instead will feel a continual feeling of queasiness for some time.

3. Odd hunger and cravings

You may find yourself wanting foods which you might not normally like such as raw vegetables or fruit, or meat if you are a vegetarian. This is due to your body's increased needs during pregnancy, and can start as early as the first trimester.

4. Bloating and cramps

Feeling bloated and crampy in the abdominal area is common. Again, it may be PMS but if you have been keeping track of your cycle and still find yourself experiencing these symptoms, pregnancy is possible. Doing a home test is a good way to verify your suspicions.

5. Very hungry

This ties in a bit to #3, as you may find that on top of cravings, you just can't get rid of your appetite. Well, this is because of hormones mainly, but it can also be due to vitamin deficiencies. Make sure you are eating a balanced diet to ward off extreme hunger and weight gain during pregnancy.

These are just some common symptoms experienced by women who are trying to get pregnant for the first time. Yours may be different, but chances are you will experience at least a few of these.

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First Trimester Pregnancy Symptoms - How to Tell If You Are Pregnant