So you are pregnant. Do you want a boy or a girl? Eager parents cannot wait to find out the gender of their baby. However, the answer is only a blood test away. There are now a few companies that claim to provide this new service. One company even claims that the accuracy of getting a blood test to find out the gender of your unborn baby is 99.9%.
The blood test is an alternative to medical procedures which determine the gender of the baby, such as ultrasound. The advantage of using blood test to find out the gender of the baby is that it is not so invasive in nature. It has been proven that there are some risks when you do the ultrasound. Women may be motivated to use the blood test. They are eager to know whether their baby is a girl or a boy. They just need to know so that they can be mentally prepared as well as prepare for the baby's wardrobe.
To use the procedure, a pregnant woman can just prick her finger and collect three drops of blood on the special test paper, and send the sample to the company in the envelope provided. The company promises that the result will be available in 1 or 2 days after receiving the blood sample, and can be viewed on their web site using a code printed on the test kit.
However, it's important to understand that the blood test does not tell you a "Boy" or "Girl" result but simply, "male DNA detected or not."
Positive result - This means that you are having at least one male baby. This could also mean that you are carrying more than one male, or male/girl twins.
Negative result - This means that you are not pregnant with a boy, so a girl pregnancy is assumed. This could also mean that none of the baby's DNA was in the blood sample you collected, or that the DNA was there but not detected.
However, medical studies have shown that the accuracy of finding out the gender of the baby may vary depending on the week of pregnancy. Since the introduction of such blood test, there have been ethical concerns about couples taking the test solely to find out the sex of the fetus early on and possibly ending the pregnancy based on that information.
Therefore it is not advisable in getting a blood test to find out the gender of your unborn baby. It is better to wait the full 9 months and be pleasantly surprised by the sex of your baby.
Are you struggling to get pregnant? Are you frustrated, or feeling angry for not being able to conceive despite all your efforts? Click here now to learn how to get pregnant fast.