Understand A Quick Overview Of Your Pregnancy Calendar additional

"The best weapon against uncertainty is knowledge"

A pregnancy calendar is a very useful tool for every pregnant woman. This will educate you on what to expect in every week as your pregnancy progresses. The information inside it is also important because it alleviates anxiety by explaining why such things are happening.

The information inside it also consists of milestones of your baby's development, early pregnancy symptoms, and may also include tips and suggestions about the right pregnancy diet and exercise.

Pregnancy Calendar By Trimester
A full term of pregnancy is divided into three trimesters.
First trimester - 1 to 12 weeks
Second trimester - 13 to 26 weeks
Third trimester - 27 weeks till the date of delivery

First Trimester
During ovulation, the body is preparing for fertilization. On the third week, the egg meets the sperm, fertilization happens and a cell is formed. The embryo and placenta are also formed and the baby's body parts begin to form. In this phase, the baby's heart is also developing. This is the best time to take your pregnancy test.

You will begin to feel the uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms. Morning sickness and food aversion may also become evident. Exhaustion and fatigue is also common at this trimester. Don't forget to consult your doctor to get proper health care.

Second Trimester
You will probably start to feel the baby moving around. The body organs are also developing which will allow the doctor to identify your baby's gender. Your baby eyes are able to move, he starts to hear noises from the outside world and by 32 weeks, all of the internal organs are fully developed except, for the lungs. The belly will continue to increase in size throughout the coming weeks. Other uncomfortable symptoms that she may encounter include heartburn, indigestion, hemorrhoids, stretch marks or varicose veins.

Third Trimester
The growing baby will make further demands on your body. Your weight will continue to increase, more frequent trips to the bathroom and back pain. So try to find ways to make yourself comfortable and keep your spirits high. You can take mild exercises such as walking and doing household chores.

You can also try pregnancy massage or pregnancy yoga. At home, it is useful if you start practising deep breathing exercises which will help in facilitating labour. Don't forget to prepare your labour bag as well as your birth plan.

I hope this overview was useful for you. When you notice something that is abnormal in pregnancy such as heavy bleeding and severe abdominal cramps, consult your health care provider immediately. A pregnancy calendar will give you details on what's supposed to be normal or not.

For more information on pregnancy calendar visit Newborn Baby. We provide information on Free Pregnancy Calendar Week By Week and early pregnancy symptoms. Visit now to find out more.

A Quick Overview Of Your Pregnancy Calendar

Pregnancy Trimesters