Understand The Best Sex Position During Pregnancy additional

The Best Sex Position During Pregnancy



Many couples who expect to have a baby soon are afraid to have sex due to the misconception that it could cause harm to the baby. This is not entirely true. If it is a normal pregnancy without any complications, then it is okay to have sex once in a while. However, doing the best sex positions during pregnancy should be thoroughly studied by both couple to know exactly their respective roles during the sexual intercourse.

The role of the partner depends on the kind of position they want to use. Let's take for example the spooning position. In this position, the man is the one who takes the initiative to make the thrusting motion while lying on his side behind the woman's back. The woman's role is merely communicate to the man if it's getting painful or pleasurable. On the other hand, in the woman on top position, the woman is the one taking charge. She positions herself on top of the man, while dictating the rhythm of the act with the upward and downward motion of her body. Just make sure to pause for a while when it gets uncomfortable.

There are other sex positions during pregnancy which every pregnant couple can try. The important thing to bear in mind while doing the deed is to be careful, gentle, and to communicate to your partner even a small sign of discomfort. For a couple who loves each other so dearly, having sex during pregnancy will not only strengthen their relationship but will also build trust for one another.

Many say you have the best sex of your life during your pregnancy. One of the top Obstetricians (and my personal favorite), Dr. Irina, shows when it's safest and how to have the most exhilarating sex during pregnancy in her latest book, Pregnancy from A to Z