Study Skin Care During Pregnancy - Problems and Treatments more

Pregnancy is probably one of the greatest experiences in the world. Even so, there are a couple of things that start worrying most women during this time like skin care during pregnancy. This article will give you a heads up on some of the skin problems you want to deal with before they start leaving unwanted marks on your complexion.

During pregnancy, the added hormones in the blood stream can create a variety of problems that can affect your skin. Some can be affected by acne, melasma and stretch marks or an existing condition can be exacerbated like for example eczema.

Skin problems during pregnancy can be stress full and this doesn't do anything good for your unborn baby. Informing yourself about the symptoms you are experiencing and how to treat them is the best way to have a harmonious and trouble-free pregnancy.

Acne and Pregnancy

Hormone levels can spike the production of sebum which is why many pregnant females are affected by acne. Most common spots for acne breakouts are the face, chest and back.

Treatment for acne during pregnancy can be a tricky business due to the fact that most acne remedies contain chemicals like benzoyl peroxide, which has been linked to birth defects. Nevertheless, there are some equally good products made with natural ingredients that you can use. Natural acne products with for example snail serum and willow bark extract (natural form of salicylic acid) is a very good combination to treat acne problems during pregnancy.

Melasma and Pregnancy

An excess level of melanin is also produced due to hormonal imbalances. This creates dark patches around your cheeks, nose and forehead. This is a very common problem during pregnancy.

Only natural products are recommended here too. Snail secretion and rumex extract (natural skin whitener) is highly recommended. This combination will inhibit melanin production.

Stretch Marks and Pregnancy

Stretch marks are almost inevitable during the last months of pregnancy and nearly 90% are affected with this common skin problem.

A balanced diet and skin that is well moisturized is the best way to prevent this. It's also advisable to use a natural skin moisturizer to prevent stretch marks here too. Snail secretion is great at keeping your skin in top shape and you should moisturize at least 2 times daily to keep your skin properly moisturized.


Remember that you need to change your regular skin care products to natural skin care products to prevent harm to your unborn baby. Stretch mark treatments that contain snail secretion are the best way to prevent and treat stretch marks, acne and melasma.

Skin Care During Pregnancy - Problems and Treatments
